Consultation on developing disaster-focused live radio shows for building resilient communities

Participants and moderators of the event.

Dhaka, 12 March 2017: A consultation meeting on developing call-in radio shows on disaster preparedness and response was held today at Bangladesh Red Crescent Society  (BDRCS) training room.

With the support from Communication with Communities (CwC) initiatives, branded as Shongjog, SoMaSHTe is developing the live radio show which will be run by community radios in selected disaster-prone locations of Bangladesh.

Participants and moderators of the event.

Participants and moderators of the event.

As part of the radio show development, SoMaSHTe is now developing a guideline for such live radio shows for disseminating audience-led, credible, comprehensive and actionable information in a disaster context. The radio programming emphasizing on communities engagement and voice to ensure two-way communication which will help to build resilient communities.

A total of 15 radio crews from different community radio stations attended the consultation meeting. A group of BDRCS volunteers also took part in the day-long event.

SoMaSHTe team members facilitated the event while representatives from BBC Media Action, International Federation of Red Cross and BDRCS also presented in it.

A draft programming guideline developed by SoMaSHTe was presented in the event and the participants provided their feedback to finalize the guideline. Special emphasizes were given on pre- and post programme research, feedback system, evaluating and improving the radio programme and core technical aspects. The inputs will be incorporated in radio show development process which will also be complemented by a research findings among the audiences.