Right to speak freely on important issues and uninterrupted access to information speed up the process of socio-economic development. Such situation is key to strengthen the democratic values and protect human rights.
Speakers at a human rights camp expressed this view. SoMaSHTe organized the camp at Manikganj Press Club on 22-23 February, 2020.
Fowzia Khan, deputy director of Local Government Division spoke the inaugural session as chief guest. Golam Sarwar Sanu, president of Manikganj Press Club and Biplop Chakrabarty, general secretary of the Press Club also spoke the occasion.
Fowzia Khan said, “If people are unable to communicate effectively their ideas, views, worries and needs, they are often excluded from the meaningful participation in the society, and from the opportunity to better their own circumstances”.
“If we want to ensure human rights in Bangladesh we must believe in freedom of expression”, she added.
The camp was organized with the support from the
Human Rights Programme (HRP) of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). A total of 20 journalists and online communicators participated the camp.
In the camp, human rights situation of both global and Bangladesh perspectives was discussed. The role of media, ethical issues of journalism, reporting on human rights issues, role of social media etc was also discussed and practiced in the camp.