Developing Disaster Focused Call-in Radio Shows for Community Radios

Project Brief

Following a successful broadcasting of a radio show namely ‘Hello Red Crescent–We listen to you’ through some community radios, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) along with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society (IFRC) commissioned this project to further strengthen the live radio programming on disaster. Under this project, SoMaSHTe developed a guideline for disaster-focused radio shows which focused on two-way communication. Following the guideline, SoMaSHTe built capacity of selected radio crews and piloted call-in radio shows with community radios. To build disaster-resilient communities, community radios later continued call-in radio shows with the support from BDRCS.


  • Building the resilient community through broadcasting disaster-focused call-in radio shows.
  • Build the capacity of community radio crews on planning and executing call-in radio shows.

Major Activities

  • Developed guideline for call-in radio shows on disaster (desk and field research, audience analysis, consultations).
  • In line with the guideline, piloted three call-in radio shows with three community radio stations.
  • Validated the guideline and shared with other partners.

Project Period

January-April 2017
This project was funded by Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) with the support from International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society (IFRC)
Participants and moderators of the event.