Strengthening the Capacity of Local Media and Young Citizen Journalists for Preventing Violent Extremism

Project Brief

The project aimed to increase the flow of media stories targeting to reduce extremist views in Bangladesh. The project built the capacity of  journalists to cover extremism and related issues better and attempted to bring the issue and its multi-faceted drivers to the public domain. By doing so, the project ultimately reached media audiences, increasing their understanding of violent extremism and its dynamics.

The project engaged young citizen journalists in the local media environment and addressed the journalists’ and young writers’ motivational and capacity gaps. Project results contributed to strengthening sub-national media’s capacity to produce and disseminate extremism-related stories to increase audiences’ understanding of extremism. The project was implemented in Bogura and Rangpur districts.


Increasing the flow of quality reports on violent extremism and related issues in the sub-national media.

Major Activities

  • Assess the needs and develop training modules.
  • Provide training to journalists and young citizen journalists.
  • Award fellowships to the competent trainees on producing in-depth reports on countering violent extremism.
  • Establish linkage among citizen journalists and media outlets.
  • Organize follow-up training.

Project Period

May-December 2018
This project was funded by Democracy International.