Media Campaign to Prevent Child Drowning in Bangladesh
Drowning is a leading cause of children’s deaths in Bangladesh. The project intends to mobilize the policy for a proper solution through a systematic media campaign.
Internet Safety and Security Literacy for School Children
While the internet is beneficial for a rapidly growing number of users in Bangladesh, it poses cybercrime threats. The project works to reduce the internet-induced vulnerability of school children.
This intervention aims to empower religious and community leaders through comprehensive training sessions and workshops conducted in all 64 districts while enhancing inter-faith harmony, raising awareness, and equipping leaders to actively contribute to peacebuilding within their communities.
Promoting Freedom of Expression
This project works with media professionals, online communicators, and other stakeholders to increase the flow of quality content on human rights in the media and online platforms.
This project exclusively worked with local media in Bogura and Rangpur, built their capacity to address extremism, and linked citizen journalists to the sub-national media.
Resource Book on PVE Journalism
A resource book was developed under this project to help journalists produce high standard stories on preventing violent extremism (PVE).
Youth Engagement on Preventing Violent Extremism through Social Media
This project employed social media as vehicles for alternative narratives against extremist views that are particularly channelized through social media.
Journalism for Preventing Violent Extremism
The project built journalists’ skills to investigate and report on violent extremism and its drivers to improve audiences’ understanding and awareness of the issue.
Developing Disaster Focused Call-in Shows for Community Radios
A comprehensive guideline for running disaster-focused live radio shows was developed for community radios and broadcasted pilot radio programmes.
Developing Communication Strategy for the ASTHA Project
The existing communication process was revised and developed a more effective communication strategy for the Swisscontact’s ASTHA project.
This project engaged media to advocate for women farmers’ rights and recognition.
By involving the media sector, the project worked to improve the agriculture information system.
Training to Journalists on Human Rights Issues
Mass media holds an influential role in human rights communication; through training and workshops, this project strengthened journalists’ roles to defend human rights.
Media Toolkit on Climate Financing
A toolkit was developed for media professionals highlighting different issues of climate change, priorities, financing, and practice.
Research on Television Agricultural Programmes
The research investigated TV agriculture programmes to strengthen the way to provide more farmer-friendly content.
Media Advocacy to Contribute to Pro-Poor Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Bangladesh
The project worked with media to in monitoring climate funding and impacts and adaptation requirements of the communities.
Training for Journalists on Upazila Parishad Budget Reporting
With capacity building initiatives, this project worked with journalists and engaged them in monitoring the local governments’ public funds.
Conduct Baseline Survey on Tuberculosis and Social Communication
A baseline survey was conducted to measure people’s knowledge, attitude, and practice towards tuberculosis, and by using the survey result, a social communication strategy was developed.